Monday, 22 February 2010


Introducing myself to the world of Bloggers...

It has fascinated me from the very beginning that we can just post our thoughts and ideas on the internet for friends,family and even the world to see and maybe even enjoy !

You'll be reading much of the stuff that happens in my insane world. The world of late thirty something's, and early forty something's ...where due to midlife transitions, money, power and just plain weirdness, hilarious and insane things seem to take place !!

Just a little about myself... I'm Mies, 37, have 3 kids and live close to Antwerp. Four years ago my husband and I split up. We had been together for 17 years and I guess our time had run out and I was quickly replaced by a younger version. It took me quite a while to get over the whole thing and in retrospect I'm glad it all happened as I seem to have found the 'better me' again !!

I am now, still married (on paper), living the Vida I like to call it. I live in a town, which seems to have inspired many soaps and series !!
I started internet dating last year and have had many wonderful and funny adventures on my dates, and continue my quest to find the perfect man for me...

I hope you will enjoy my blogs as they will mainly be inspired by my everyday life !

Take care,

Mies x

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with your blogging, and welcome to the world of it!
