For me, this year was extremely intense. I don't think I have ever FELT as much as I have felt this year!!
I felt heartache, that should have killed me; I felt shame and anger towards myself that should have made me dissolve into nothingness; I felt the great loss of a few dear friends that passed away whom I hope are now Angels watching over us; I felt the joy of realising that all I need to be happy, is right here, within me; I realised that no matter how much I wanted to conform with what others expected of me, it did not make me happier and I finally understood that if you build huge walls around yourself, and don't let go of the fear of getting hurt again, love will never stand a chance,
This last realisation opened up Pandora's box and so my heart loves again, regardless of it being loved back.
This was, without a doubt, my growth year, the year that has kick started who I am meant to be, and who I want to become, the year that clarifies all others and has made perfect sense of what was just a blurr...
I am no longer unsettled and restless, beaten and hurt. I have found my serenity and no longer blame myself or others for the pain and anger I have felt.
It's a sense of blissful gladness, that now helps me to appreciate and love my life as it is.
Once you realise all that, small miracles begin to happen and instead of hoping for more you find joy in all the little unexpected gifts life offers.
I therefore look forward to this new year, because even though it makes me a little melancholic to say goodbye to this one, I know I will enter into the next one with all the new knowledge, feelings and tools I have been lucky enough to find along the way.
I do not enter it without expectations however, I enter this new year expecting ANYTHING is possible!!!
My biggest wish for 2013 is that each and everyone of you may experience this feeling, so you may sail happily and smoothly, through the rough and tough parts of life.
"Live to love, and love to live" - because the time we have here is preciously short and there is no better way to spend it, but by absorbing every single moment we are granted.
Wishing you a fascinating 2013!!
May it bring to you your own epiphany...and the faith to trust your heart.